this is only one of the possible redemptions

this is only one of the possible redemptions creates a new mythology which offers a raw, homemade poetry of image, light and text. The works adhere to a vaguely recognizable, yet indiscernible, logic of place. I use self portraiture to speak to the autonomy of personal voice as creator of the image, and also to situate the work in reference to artists who have used self portraiture as a way of critiquing, and offering alternatives, to often limited depictions of individuality, gender and environment.  By placing myself in various environments I both assert and erase a new past/present hypothesis of person and place.

In a humorously crude and grandiose style I offer large scale lightboxes which are lyrical meditations on what it is to be an artist, to belong to a place, and articulate presence. Using four lightboxes and four panels of illuminated text, I explore the potential of light for its relationship to the filmic image, as a carrier of commercial messages and the potential of a glowing image to transfix. this is only one of the possible redemptions speaks to the tenuous nature of human existence and how we forge identity in the world.